Safety Culture in the News

Safety Culture in the News

Harmony Gold reduces losses, vows to put miner safety first

[Harmony Gold reduces losses, vows to put miner safety first]


Commenting on the financial year, Chief Executive Officer Peter Steenkamp extended condolences for the lost lives in mining accidents and reiterated goals to ensure a safe work environment. The lives of 11 employees were lost during the year.

“I wish to extend my personal, heartfelt condolences to the families, colleagues and friends of the employees who lost their lives in mining accidents in FY19.

“Together with each and every employee, my aim is to ensure safe production, by preventing fatalities and embedding a proactive safety culture. It is important that every employee returns home each day – both safe and healthy,” he said.

For the year ahead, Harmony intends to focus on “safe, profitable production,” he added. “Value – rather than volume – will translate to shareholder returns in the long term,” Steenkamp said.