2019 ‘UAE Year of Tolerance’ - How Tolerant are UAE Motorists? (Research Study)
Dubai: 2019 marks the ‘UAE Year of Tolerance’ and this begs the question of how tolerant are we to each other on UAE’s roads? Obviously, a caring attitude is the foundation of a good road safety culture and one dimension of it is how tolerant motorists are to each other. This ‘first-ever’ behavior research study tries to shed light on motorists’ tolerance when it comes to true mistakes of others, deliberate bullying behavior, and what makes us fall into road rage.
“The idea of a positive road culture based on tolerance, empathy and ethics is very close to our hearts as the deepest-rooted value of our company is to practice ethically,” said Sudharsan Narasimhan, Chief Underwriting Officer of Noor Takaful | Ethical Insurance. “We’ve partnered with RoadSafetyUAE to research, evaluate and analyze this very subject as this is especially relevant with 2019, the Year of Tolerance.”
Thomas Edelmann, Founder & Managing Director of RoadSafetyUAE states: “We wanted to understand how tolerant UAE motorists are to each other in the case of true mistakes and in the case of deliberate acts of bullying, but also how prone we are to road rage and in which situations we are losing our temper. In order to craft the right communication and engagement initiatives to raise awareness and consequently better the behavior on the roads, we need to understand the motivators for the behavior we experience on the roads. Hence, this piece of research will add a lot of value in understanding.”