Safety Culture in the News

Safety Culture in the News

Safety culture questioned while investigation of death in hospital

Health and Safety freelancer brings 10 years of knowledge to Whanganui

A Health and Safety Consultant is bringing his skills and expertise to Whanganui to help local businesses succeed.

Gerard Luby has 10 years of experience under his belt working with a range of industries “trying to build their health and safety culture and awareness”.

Having previously worked as a health and safety manager for KAH NZ Ltd at Mt Ruapehu, Luby now resides in Whanganui freelancing out to create and train management and staff with his business Premier Safety.

He said there is a global shortage of health and safety professionals and it is getting harder to find these people, so that is where freelancing comes in.

“A lot of people have the willingness to get health and safety compliant but may not have an understanding of how to apply the necessary systems.”

He said if you look at the New Zealand figures in terms of workplace fatalities to other nations of similar size you will realise that there is an ongoing need to promote and support the development of good health and safety practice.