Safety Culture in the News

Safety Culture in the News

Naval Safety Center Lessons Learned Division Wins Navy League Safety Award

[Naval Safety Center Lessons Learned Division Wins Navy League Safety Award] []

NORFOLK (April 17, 2020) – Mr. Christopher Rew and Mr. David Deuel from Naval Safety Center’s (NAVSAFECEN) Lessons Learned Division have been awarded the Navy League of the United States’ Adm. Vern Clark and Gen. James L. Jones Safety Award for fiscal year (FY) 2019. The annual award recognizes innovative safety efforts of individuals, units or organizations that have reduced fatalities and mishaps among Department of Navy Sailors, Marines and civilians and have significantly improved the Navy and Marine Corps safety culture.

“Our honorees exemplify a culture of safety through their commitment to a vision that decreases mishaps and fatalities for our Navy and Marine Corps,” said Mike Stevens, executive director of the Navy League of the United States and retired 13th Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy.

NAVSAFECEN’s Lessons Learned Division collects, analyzes and shares findings from mishaps, hazards, assessments and other fleet engagements. Its lessons learned and sanitized safety investigation products are distributed electronically to Navy and Marine Corps safety professionals around the world. The goal is to prevent mishaps, preserve combat readiness, save lives and improve mission readiness across the force.