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Safety Culture in the News

Safety at Work podcast: Ep.26 Is good safety leadership just good leadership?

Ep.26 Is good safety leadership just good leadership?

We use the following papers to frame our discussion: Development and Test of a Model Linking Safety Specific Transformational Leadership and Occupational Safety and Contrasting the Nature and Effects of Environmentally Specific and General Transformational Leadership.

Topics: How leadership is studied. The two-part study conducted in Development and Test. Are environmentally specific and general transformational leadership two different things? How the study in Contrasting the Nature and Effects was conducted. Safety leadership vs. leadership/ Why good leadership leads to good safety practices.

Quotes: “How much do these things vary and how much do our explanations for these things explain why they vary? And the answer is, they don’t.”

“Don’t start measuring and tinkering with the statistical relationships between things until you’ve actually pinned down what those things are.”

“I strongly believe that we can’t easily change the values that people hold.”