Safety Culture in the News

Safety Culture in the News

Ep.28 How does coordination work in incident response teams?

Ep.28 How does coordination work in incident response teams?

EPISODE SUMMARY On this episode of Safety of Work, we discuss how coordination works in incident response teams.

EPISODE NOTES Dave is joined by special guest, Dr. Laura Maguire, a researcher at the Cognitive Systems Engineering Lab at Ohio State University. Her recent research pertains to the topic at hand. Tune in to hear our informative discussion.


● Dr. Maguire’s personal relationship to safety.

● Exploring coordinated joint activity in the tech industry.

● The difficulty of doing research in the natural laboratory.

● What Dr. Maguire noticed during her research.

● Why breakdowns in common ground occur.

● Why a phone call can involve effortful cognitive work.


“In cognitive systems engineering, we’re most interested in what are the generalized patterns of cognition and of interpreting the world…”

“Doing research in what we call the ‘natural laboratory’ or trying to examine cognition in the wild, is really, really hard.”

“Tooling is never going to solve all of the problems, right?”