How field officers influence safety culture
Nobody in a fire and EMS organization has more influence on its daily operations than does the first-line supervisor – the company or field officer.
So it only stands to reason that the field officer is the one position in the organization that has the most influence over the department’s safety culture. As the saying goes, “It’s a tough job, but somebody’s got to do it.”
Your department should provide field officers with the appropriate policy and procedures necessary for firefighters, EMTs and paramedics to do their jobs more safely, effectively and efficiently. That’s the strategic direction. The tactical direction, making it happen, falls squarely on the field officers’ shoulders.
A safety culture and PPE use rely on determination and leadership. (Photo/American Ambulance Association) A safety culture and PPE use rely on determination and leadership. (Photo/American Ambulance Association) And if you are that field officer, how are you doing in that role?