Safety Culture in the News

Safety Culture in the News

2019 Port Industry Accident Statistics Published: Accident Stats Show Positive Trend

2019 Port Industry Accident Statistics Published: Accident Stats Show Positive Trend…

The Accident Stats Report clearly demonstrates that considerable progress has been made over the last two decades, fostered by an ever increasing atmosphere of cooperation between ports operators. However, there is still work to be done. While accident rates have declined since 2018, the longer trend indicates that accidents have plateaued. To remedy this, PSS has developed an initiative called the “Whole Person” approach. By addressing the mental and general health of workers as well as onsite skills, core safety systems and safety culture all together, organisations can help to crack the industry’s accident plateau.

Twenty-four organisations declared zero Lost Time Injuries in 2019, indicating that accidents are not inevitable, and we encourage our members to keep up the momentum and proactively work with PSS to protect Britain’s frontline.

PSS is the UK’s professional ports health and safety membership organisation. We exist to promote continuous improvement in health, safety and skills in ports. PSS is recognised by Government departments and agencies, including the Department for Transport, Health and Safety Executive and the Maritime and Coastguard Agency.