FDA Reaffirms Commitment to Safety, Security of its Public Health Laboratories
SILVER SPRING, Md., Oct. 8, 2020 /PRNewswire/ – The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s mission to protect and promote public health by ensuring the safety of the nation’s food supply, as well as the safety and efficacy of medical products, has always relied on a rigorous analysis of the scientific data available and a strong commitment to safety. We are dedicated to helping ensure the safety of the American public through our work and the safety of all of our staff by continuing to support and strengthen a culture that prioritizes workplace safety.
FDA staff across the nation work diligently to help ensure the safety of FDA-regulated products. I’ve seen this same dedication in their shared commitment to protecting each other and prioritizing safety across the agency, including our laboratories across the country. As we work together to build upon our strong safety charge, I’ve recently stood up a new cross-agency working group with support from the FDA’s senior leadership to optimize and further foster a holistic, cohesive, and collaborative safety culture. As part of their charge, the group will review our current organization structure and reporting relationships that support our safety program. This working group will explore best practices and incorporate and leverage the expertise of the existing safety councils within our agency to optimize ongoing efforts. The group will focus broadly on several areas in the safety space to include occupational safety and health, environmental safety, and laboratory safety; and will look to best practices in industry to determine if they can complement our regulatory organization. This effort is meant to strengthen the already robust safety measures that staff and senior leadership have implemented. I look forward to continuing my work with the FDA’s senior leadership to bolster an already strong culture of safety and security within the agency.