Safety Culture in the News

Safety Culture in the News

Celebrate REALTOR Safety Year-Round with a Customized Safety Culture Program

Celebrate REALTOR Safety Year-Round with a Customized Safety Culture Program…

LITTLE ROCK, Ark., Oct. 24, 2020 /PRNewswire/ – The Beverly Carter Foundation (BCF) is proud to introduce a three-part training series to assist leadership throughout the real estate industry in implementing sustainable safety strategies for their companies, associations, and employees year-round in order to prevent lone-worker tragedies and long-term harm. The new normal of COVID-19 restrictions, limited showings, increase of virtual communication, and one-on-one meetings are presenting new challenges. In order to support this safety initiative, BCF’s first training, Leadership: Creating a Safety Culture Year-Round, will be held as a webinar Tuesday, October 27, 2020.

“Lone-worker safety starts at the top. By providing education to the decision makers in the industry, we are able to prevent not only tragedy, but inspire a culture of community in this bizarre time,” says Carl Carter Jr. “Beverly Carter Foundation was established in the wake of a horrific tragedy. My greatest pride is knowing together we can help others, perhaps even save a life.”