Registration open for Inaugural Campus Safety Summit
The Campus Safety Culture Steering Committee at Northern Arizona University is hosting the inaugural Campus Safety Summit in a virtual format beginning at 8:15 a.m. on Feb. 18. The event will share information on NAU’s efforts to build a stronger safety culture, help all members of the campus community understand their role in safety and inform about the many opportunities to participate in active safety programming.
The morning webinar session, open to all NAU community members, will begin with remarks from President Rita Cheng followed by a brief explanation of NAU’s Campus Safety Culture initiative. Heather Nash, director of Employee Assistance and Wellness, will close the session with a presentation on the importance of sleep quality and how that impacts wellness and relates to safety.
The afternoon session of the event switches to project-specific workshops. Participants will receive Zoom meeting invitations to cover topics such as tracking purchases and chemical e-inventories, job safety roles and responsibilities, stakeholder communication and promoting stewardship through sustainable lab practices.