Safety Culture in the News

Safety Culture in the News

Water Safety CEO Urges Fishermen to Take a 'Risk-Based' Approach

Water Safety CEO Urges Fishermen to Take a ‘Risk-Based’ Approach

The Chief Executive of the State agency, Water Safety Ireland, has made an appeal to all fishermen to take a “risk-based approach” to safety throughout the year to reduce tragedies which coastal communities have endured.

John Leech says that the first quarter of the year “normally brings with it some of the worst fishing vessel tragedies of the year.”

“I would like,” he says, “to see all our fishermen use a risk-based approach throughout the year and that their families support them in their endeavours. This will help reduce these awful tragedies that our coastal communities have endured each year.

Formerly the Naval Officer who led that Service’s Diving Unit and took part in many search-and-rescue operations, John Leech delivers a message about the need for “an enhanced maritime safety culture” on this week’s Podcast.