Safety Culture in the News

Safety Culture in the News

New Partnership to Eliminate Speeding Announced The Safe Operating Speed Alliance to Focus on Technology, Policies and Behavior

New Partnership to Eliminate Speeding Announced The Safe Operating Speed Alliance to Focus on Technology, Policies and Behavior … Gary Catapano, Chief Strategy & Safety Advisor, MAGTEC Products, Inc., said “Speeding has been the cause of nearly 10,000 deaths every year on our highway for decades now. Unlike other roadway safety issues which we have tackled and helped drive prevention the same cannot be said about speeding. Even with the speeding problem being called out by NTSB and other safety advocates over the years we still lack a comprehensive strategy and focus to reduce speeding related crashes. This has resulted in us becoming a speed tolerant culture. We will bring together various stakeholders with new ideas, approaches and suggestions to help immediately gain traction in the prevention of speeding and the often-tragic crashes resulting from it. Real solutions are available now and we need to consider and implement them”.

For more information on the alliance please visit their website at