Safety Culture in the News

Safety Culture in the News

Leadership Training: Give Them What They Want…

One of the most important questions to ask when choosing and implementing leadership development programs is “How do our leaders like to learn?”. Even the most thoughtful, strategically focused leadership development program can miss the mark if participants don’t like the modalities. So, what are the best types of leadership training types for your leaders? Before anyone can answer that question, it’s important to understand why leadership training matters.

Why Leadership Training Type Matters “To create a safe working environment” was how one senior leader responded when DDI asked why leadership development mattered to him. From there, the stories followed. Each leader described their personal experiences of mishaps, some resulting in people getting hurt and, in the most tragic circumstances, leading to loss of life. There was a clear connection to the program’s purpose, and leaders were emotionally connecting to it. The mission was about much more than completing some training. It was about changing the way people interacted with each other so that they could strengthen their safety culture and become a stronger, more focused leadership team. The company recognized their leaders set the tone, culture, and mindset for everything, particularly when it comes to safety. They launched their program in many areas around the world where leaders had little to no former leadership development training. DDI designed the program to deliver formal in-person training on-site, leveraging relevant leadership training courses and real scenarios. This allowed leaders to practice newly learned knowledge and skills and exchange feedback and personal experiences with each other. “To create a safe working environment” became the guiding principle for the program. And it made a big difference. Through building and practicing their interpersonal and leadership skills, the organization is starting to see change in strengthening a culture of putting safety first. Safety leadership is becoming a reality.