Durham, NC fire chief cites lessons learned from deadly gas explosion
DURHAM, N.C. (WTVD) – Seven months after Durham’s deadly gas explosion, Durham Fire Chief Robert Zoldos is reflecting on his team’s response, which he says went extremely well.
A total of 97 firefighters responded to the chaos.
Zoldos said that for most of them, it was their first major disaster.
“I learned a lot about my staff. I was relatively new. I had just been here a few months when this happened,” Zoldos said.
Two people died and 25 people were injured. Nine firefighters were hospitalized, including Darren Wheeler, who was seriously injured.
“We’re thrilled to have him back. That was really the scariest moment for us. To possibly lose someone in the line of duty,” Zoldos said. I think there’s a lot of learning all of us could do as far as how to command control of such a big incident.”
In a newly released report, Zoldos highlighted 11 ways his team plans to improve safety and response.
Among the top priorities:
All firefighters must wear the proper protective gear to keep them safe when responding to a hazmat scene, explosion or building collapse.
That did not happen on April 10. Some wore borrowed gear.
Effective immediately, more units will respond to the smell of gas downtown or in densely populated areas.
Rich Meyer, a Carolina Livery bus driver was parked across from the explosion on North Duke Street which, Chief Zoldos says was partially shut down. Moving forward, he said firefighters will feel empowered to fully close streets.
“Us stopping it a little earlier - 30 minutes earlier might have had a little bit more safety for us and we would not have had to worry about people in the street as well,” he said.
Zoldos said the department needs a total of 75 firefighters to meet national and federal safety standards. He’s working with the city to hire 15 each year during the next five years.
Research Team Offers Healthy Take on Workplace Wellness Programs
In a national survey of workplace wellness programs in municipal governments, researchers from The University of Texas at Dallas identified five best practices that reduced health care costs and improved productivity.
…The UT Dallas team identified five components of successful programs that reduced health care costs and improved productivity:
Workplace safety education and awareness programs are significant factors. Conscientious employees who understand risk help to prevent injuries and subsequent hospitalizations, Kiel said.
Forklift Safety: It’s no accident
National Forklift Safety Convention focuses on the need for front-line leadership and a culture of trust The presentations may have been diverse but a single, powerful theme ran through this year’s National Forklift Safety Convention: the need for strong, authentic and engaged management creating an environment where staff feel heard, valued, and genuinely involved. The result is a virtuous loop where all feel free to speak openly and honestly in order to sustain a common and evolving safety culture.
Organised by the Fork Lift Truck Association and attended by hundreds of managers and supervisors from all sectors, the award-winning event was opened by FLTA Chief Executive Tim Waples, who gave a poignant address. Calling for an industry-wide change in attitude, he said: “An ‘accident’ sounds apologetic, like it’s just one of those things that couldn’t be helped, but the truth is all ‘accidents’ can be prevented.”
Health and safety on UK offshore hub agenda
“It is fitting that with the OWIH roadmaps we now take these considerations into account when assessing the future priorities for our sector.”
G+ general manager Kate Harvey said: “We welcome the inclusion of the new criteria as a consideration when deciding the innovation priorities for the offshore wind sector.
“The health and safety performance of the sector is improving, even as the industry sees a continuing increase in installed capacity – a sure sign of a mature sector with an improving safety culture.
2019 ‘UAE Year of Tolerance’ - How Tolerant are UAE Motorists? (Research Study)
Dubai: 2019 marks the ‘UAE Year of Tolerance’ and this begs the question of how tolerant are we to each other on UAE’s roads? Obviously, a caring attitude is the foundation of a good road safety culture and one dimension of it is how tolerant motorists are to each other. This ‘first-ever’ behavior research study tries to shed light on motorists’ tolerance when it comes to true mistakes of others, deliberate bullying behavior, and what makes us fall into road rage.
“The idea of a positive road culture based on tolerance, empathy and ethics is very close to our hearts as the deepest-rooted value of our company is to practice ethically,” said Sudharsan Narasimhan, Chief Underwriting Officer of Noor Takaful | Ethical Insurance. “We’ve partnered with RoadSafetyUAE to research, evaluate and analyze this very subject as this is especially relevant with 2019, the Year of Tolerance.”
Thomas Edelmann, Founder & Managing Director of RoadSafetyUAE states: “We wanted to understand how tolerant UAE motorists are to each other in the case of true mistakes and in the case of deliberate acts of bullying, but also how prone we are to road rage and in which situations we are losing our temper. In order to craft the right communication and engagement initiatives to raise awareness and consequently better the behavior on the roads, we need to understand the motivators for the behavior we experience on the roads. Hence, this piece of research will add a lot of value in understanding.”
The Thorny Problem of 5G Security
Reading through the reports from any country with a well-developed system of rules and processes for safety reveals a recurring pattern. Nearly every incident is the result of people not following the rules; management not listening to concerns or pressuring employees to ignore safety to meet deadlines; or rules not being in place even when the safe approach already is known. These failings are cultural and are summed up well by this quote from ACSNI:
“The safety culture of an organization is the product of individual and group values, attitudes, perceptions, competencies, and patterns of behavior … . … Organizations with a positive safety culture are characterized by communications founded on mutual trust, by shared perceptions of the importance of safety, and by confidence in the efficacy of preventive measures.”
U.S. Civil Aviation Fatalities Increase In 2018
“It is disappointing to see the fatal general aviation accident rate increase after two years with the rate below 1.0 per 100,000 flight hours,” said NTSB Chairman Robert L. Sumwalt. “Aviators in both the general aviation and Part 135 communities need to renew their emphasis on building and sustaining a safety culture, and recipients of our safety recommendations in this area need to implement those life-saving recommendations.”
The NTSB’s 2018 statistics show that deaths during Part 135 operations decreased from 16 in 2017 to 12 last year. The board also noted that 2018 included the nation’s first airline passenger fatality since 2009, which occurred when Southwest Flight 1380 suffered an uncontained engine failure.
PQ Corporation-Pineville Plant is 29th Business of the Year
The plant has been operating in Pineville since 1969 and has a staff of 11.
The plant operates 24-hours a day 365 days a year with a true safety-first culture. Bunting explained this means any employee is authorized to stop plant activity immediately if a safety issue is discovered. Once shut down, the situation is assessed with input from all on hand before taking any next steps, he added.
This does not happen often but contributes to a commendable and rare safety record of over 50 years without a lost-time injury and 19 years without an OSHA recordable safety incident.
Besides the enviable safety culture and focus on quality products, PQ Corporation and the Pineville Plant demonstrate significant commitment to local community service and support. They serve as Tioga Elementary’s Partner in Education, providing ongoing resources for student of the week awards and for student participation in various school activities, and regularly meeting and greeting students and coaching.
How fast casual workers can avoid 3 common injuries
While many employers assume everyone understands how to protect themselves from injury, having a formal employee safety training program and developing a positive safety culture should be part of every fast casual restaurant’s operations plan. Some workers’ compensation insurance carriers offer their policyholders 24-hour access to an injured employee-hotline that connects injured workers with registered nurses who can provide guidance in real time over the phone.
China launches new crackdown on chemical safety
SHANGHAI, Nov 14 (Reuters) - China’s cabinet will begin a nationwide safety crackdown on its massive chemical industry after an official investigation into a deadly plant blast that killed 78 people and injured dozens more in March.
The explosion, at the Tianjiayi chemical factory in Yancheng in eastern coastal Jiangsu province, has already resulted in the closure of dozens of small plants and China expects to relocate more than 80% of hazardous chemical production by the end of 2020.
A meeting of the State Council chaired by Premier Li Keqiang on Wednesday said an inquiry into the blast revealed local authorities had failed to implement safety rules or crack down on violations.
MidCentral reports double the mistakes from a year ago
Another influence was the board’s Speaking Up For Safety programme, which encouraged people to talk about practices or behaviour they saw that could result in poor outcomes for patients.
“We would expect any safety initiative to raise awareness and result in increased reporting.”
She said it was part of “a healthy safety culture, and supports ongoing learning and improvement”.
Ten of the incidents recorded related to falls, one was about medication management and one was an associated infection.
The board also reported nine serious adverse events from Mental Health and Addictions Services, which are collated separately.
A Rocket Exploded and Almost Sunk a U.S. Navy Aircraft Carrier
Two deadly collisions involving U.S. Navy destroyers in June and August 2017 may have cost the lives of up to sixteen sailors, leading the Navy to declare a day-long operational pause to reflect upon its safety culture. That such similar accidents took place in such close proximity reflects stresses and failings common to the maritime fighting branch.
In the 1960s, the Navy also suffered a series of deadly accidents aboard its carriers. In their wake came major reforms addressing the inherent dangers of operating ships packed full of explosive munitions, fuel and jet planes. This three-part series will examine why each of the accidents occurred, how the crew responded and the lessons that were drawn from the tragedies.
[Harmony Gold reduces losses, vows to put miner safety first]
Commenting on the financial year, Chief Executive Officer Peter Steenkamp extended condolences for the lost lives in mining accidents and reiterated goals to ensure a safe work environment. The lives of 11 employees were lost during the year.
“I wish to extend my personal, heartfelt condolences to the families, colleagues and friends of the employees who lost their lives in mining accidents in FY19.
“Together with each and every employee, my aim is to ensure safe production, by preventing fatalities and embedding a proactive safety culture. It is important that every employee returns home each day – both safe and healthy,” he said.
For the year ahead, Harmony intends to focus on “safe, profitable production,” he added. “Value – rather than volume – will translate to shareholder returns in the long term,” Steenkamp said.
Transport Ministry calls for safety videos to be aired on tour and express buses
SEMENYIH, Nov 11 — The Transport Ministry today called on tour and express bus operators to ensure safety videos were aired on board, for the benefit of passengers.
Minister Anthony Loke Siew Fook said the videos would help passengers be aware of action required during an emergency, besides encouraging them to wear their seat belts.
While seat belts are not yet compulsory for bus passengers, inculcating a seat belt-wearing culture is nevertheless important, the minister said, expressing the hope that bus operators would encourage such efforts through the airing of safety videos.
Referring to creative safety videos aired on various airplanes he had boarded in the past, Loke said such efforts served to attract the attention of passengers and inculcate safety awareness among them.
IAEA Launches Spanish Version of Online Course on Radiation Protection of Radiotherapy Patients
The five-hour course comprises 12 modules that aim to help participants improve their understanding of safety and quality. It highlights techniques that can reduce and avoid incidents in radiotherapy and the value and use of incident learning systems. It also emphasizes safety culture and tools that can enhance safety in radiotherapy. Participants that pass the final examination can receive a certificate of completion.
How a 12-year-old recruitment program developed by Jazz Aviation is being leveraged within a new collaboration between Toronto Airways and Seneca College to foster future flight instructors
Purves served as an instructor with Jazz and understands the need for such professionals to build an airline’s safety culture. “We saw a need for highly qualified instructors to be retained at these schools to develop new students who were coming through,” he says. “We wanted to show there is an opportunity or pathway for instructors to be able to come to Jazz.” Purves explains becoming an instructor allows someone to learn more about their professional skill set and pass it along, continuing a critical cycle.
Safety leadership at every level
Establishing and maintaining health and safety in the workplace requires genuine commitment from an organisation – and that starts with your leaders. Ai Group explains. … A safety journey and positive safety culture is not reliant upon one person, it involves the entire business. A vision where safety is valued, enforced, and acted on daily is necessary. Valuing coming to work and working safely is a responsibility everyone should have regardless of business size, culture, gender, and industry.
OSHA FILING: Whistleblowers allege TVA downplayed concerns
The 36-page complaint levies a number of allegations at TVA, including that a “chilled work environment” existed within the utility’s Nuclear Oversight department. It also alleges TVA remains on regulatory “probation” with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission “regarding its inability to establish and maintain a healthy safety culture.”
In May, Fults filed an allegation with the NRC noting “irregularities” in the way TVA management had addressed the chilled work environment at Watts Bar. The complaint goes on to say management also interfered with ECP investigations.
Safety at Hotels: Key Points that ensure the development of a Hotel’s Safety Culture
At the same time, however, the Safety issue and the way it is communicated to hotel guests is an issue that needs discrete management, as the travelers wish to be protected, without however underlining the possible risks that may disturb their stay. Hotels are transformed into travelers’ “temporary homes” and the whole safety issue should be implied and not highlighted.
On the other hand, Safety at Hotels is an issue that should concern the hoteliers more, since from a purely business point of view it is a key point to ensure the proper functioning of the accommodation and the property itself. In such a business as a hotel, which is an active community that operates 360 days a year and 24 hours a day, prudence is required beyond each country’s safety requirements. In other words, any precautionary measure must be taken with a sense of benefit rather than just legal cover.
The Productivity Commission’s to do list for COAG is: - accelerating reform of infrastructure planning and management, including the Heavy Vehicle Road Reform agenda and trials of road user charging - removing unjustified derogations and grandfathering, using risk-based assessments of the evidence - strengthening the safety culture of industry through education and regulatory incentives for capable businesses to switch from ‘tick the box’ compliance to accredited, risk based safety management systems - realising the full potential of new data technologies to improve safety and productivity removing regulatory barriers — such as some Australian Design Rules — to the early adoption of new technologies which can lift productivity and improve safety.
EastPack crowned Business of the Year at the Westpac Tauranga Business Awards
EastPacks journey to change their health and safety culture over the last few years is something the judge could not look past.
“Of the many things they have implemented, is technology solutions to eliminate people and forklift interaction risk by use of stacking robot and an automated storage and retrieval warehouse system,” Hitchfield said.
But in order to create a strong safety culture, Omnitrans doesn’t stop at introducing more programs and initiatives. The agency works to develop a safety culture beyond technology with constant and consistent communication and by rewarding those who achieve safety milestones. Thanks to these efforts, the agency sees reduced preventable accidents and, in turn, reduced costs. According to the American Public Transportation Agency (APTA), Omnitrans now averages approximately nine million revenue miles annually with about 121,000 miles between preventable accidents.
“Any whistle-blowers who may have been fired, and maybe have a gag order pursuant to a settlement — who have complained about safety issues with regard to the 737 MAX — should be called to testify, with protective subpoenas, so the public can hear what they have to say,” he told the subcommittee. “The aviation software writers — do they have the same level of engineering safety culture as regular aviation engineers?”
followup aviation
For this reason, both the FAA and the aviation community are constantly looking for ways to eliminate these problems entirely wherever possible. That’s the context for work that the FAA does in our CAST (Civil Aviation Safety Team) and GAJSC (General Aviation Joint Steering Committee) partnerships with the aviation community. It is also a fundamental premise of the FAA’s Compliance Program, which recognizes that we should never “waste a mistake” by punishing people who are trying to comply with regulations and risk management principles. Rather, the Compliance Program seeks to enable both the FAA and the aviation community to use unintentional deviations to learn what went wrong, identify the root cause, and develop a sustainable fix that makes the entire National Airspace System (NAS) safer.
GeneralAviation Government
There’s something unsettling about a private firm making powerful autonomous machines – but what’s scarier is who’s building them, and why
Bootstrapping the narrative of robot apocalypse into discourse about real technology pervades the discourse of hi-tech. Elon Musk talks endlessly of the singularity; even the more measured Sundar Pichai anthropomorphizes AI. Ultimately, this distracts us from thinking about digital infrastructures built out of unaccountable practices. It makes it harder for us to think through complex cases, like when Uber’s self-driving car hit a pedestrian. As recent documents show, this had nothing to do with the robot car and everything to do with shoddy engineering and a bad safety culture.